Maximizing Conversions with the Alia and Klaviyo Integration

Learn from Alia and Revenue Labz (email agency) about the key steps and processes to maximize Alia's integration with Klaviyo.
Written by
Cory Gill
Published on
April 12, 2024

Congratulations on setting up Alia on your site! You’re now ready to capture highly qualified, educated leads 🎉

In this article we’ll show you how to supercharge your results and convert more leads into buyers, by helping you set up your email marketing nurture flows correctly.

Below we will cover:

1. How to integrate Alia seamlessly into Klaviyo

2. Setting up your segments with Alia survey data

3. The 4 most important flows to optimize with Alia

4. Including the Alia discount code in your flows and emails

5. Best ways to leverage the Zero party data to drive more sales

Alright let’s get started:

1. Integration with Klaviyo

One of the key strengths of Alia is its seamless integration with Klaviyo, enabling you to transfer subscribers and Zero Party data directly into your email marketing flows.

This integration is vital as it ensures that all the rich data you collect through Alia —preferences, interests, and engagement—can be used to personalize your email campaigns.

Setting up the integration is straightforward and we’d recommend taking a look at our dedicated step-by-step help article to walk through that process: Setup Your Alia-Klaviyo Integration

💡 Key Tip: If you find yourself needing a bit of extra help with implementation, our partner, Revenue Labz, offers specialized email marketing help to guide you through the process. You can feel free to contact them here.

2. Setting Up Your Segments with Alia Lead Data:

The data you collect through Alia allows you to segment your audience like never before. Using these various customer segments you can speak to each group of customers differently.

Alia’s unique survey feature allows you to ask customers questions before they receive their discount.

For example, you could ask your customer questions related to their pains or buying reasons, or the product categories they are interested in:


Here’s the steps to get your segments created in Klaviyo:

1. Navigate to the lists & segments view in Dashboard

2. Click on “Create new segment”


3. In the “Select a condition…” dropdown, you should select “What someone has done (or not done)” - this will access the Alia survey questions and responses

4. Select the fields you would like to create a segment

For example, here is a segment of shoppers who answered the question “What makes you most hesitant about using Alia?” and said “Nothing”:


5. Save the segment and repeat for all other segments you want to create.

Congratulations! Now you should have a list of profiles that match those conditions.

Now you can use these individual segments to send targeted campaigns, as well as tailor your follow-up communications to dive deeper into those interests.

You can also create segments that combine the other data you have in Klaviyo, such as from other apps and other fields that Alia provides, such as if they have claimed their reward and placed an order.

In the next section we’ll look at how to leverage these segments in your flows.

3. The most important flows to optimize

So by now you have your Klaviyo & Alia integrated and your segments set up - nice work!👋

The next step is to set up the flows that will deliver their discount and get them to convert.

There are four primary flows we recommend you optimize for Alia:

#1. Welcome Flow (after someone joins your email/SMS list):

The welcome flow is your first touch point with someone who joins your list. This is where we want to continue the conversation they had from Alia and deliver their incentive.

(This part of the customer journey is extremely crucial, as it is during this period that customer engagement is at its highest and generally delivers the most revenue.)

It’s also a golden opportunity to cultivate a habit in your customers of opening and clicking your emails which will keep them engaged for the long-term.

You can also customize your welcome flows based on the specific interests or responses from Alia. Here’s an example of how you can send a conditional email based on the options someone selected:


Simply set up your conditional split and check if they have a custom field containing one of the values. Here’s what that looks like when you are actually selecting the condition with an Alia poll answer:


#2 - Browse Abandonment Flow (after someone views the product but doesn’t add to cart): This flow is designed to reach out to potential customers who showed interest in your products but didn't proceed to add any items to their cart. You can use Alia’s insights about their preferences to send personalized messages and incentives, encouraging them to make a purchase.

You can either use a conditional split to offer discounts to certain segments. Or create a separate flow entirely for your most important segments with a special offer.

#3 - Cart Abandonment Flow (after someone adds to cart but doesn’t make a purchase): This flow targets individuals who were close to making a purchase, but for some reason, did not complete the transaction. Using the Zero Party data gathered from Alia, you can craft highly personalized emails offering incentives, addressing potential concerns, or providing additional information to help them complete their purchase.

#4 - Post-Purchase Follow-up Flow (after someone makes a purchase): This flow is aimed at nurturing your relationship with your customers after they've made a purchase. Utilize Alia data to provide personalized product recommendations, ask for reviews, or offer exclusive discounts on future purchases to encourage repeat business.

💡Key Tip: You can also further tailor the emails in your flows using insights gathered through Alia to reflect the preferences and interests of your customers. (More on this below).

4. Including The Alia Discount Code In Your Flows & Emails:

Whether it be in your Welcome Flow, another flow, or email campaigns, brands will often want to include the unique Alia discount code in their emails.

Before jumping into how to set that up, it is important to consider whether it makes sense to include the unique code.

The default setting when you create a reward in Alia is to have an expiration timer (and yes, it does actually expire) to create a sense of urgency and boost conversions.

We recommend including this timer and adjusting the length based on your buying cycle - most brand will opt for 30 minutes or an hour.

If you do have a timer of that length for your Alia rewards, we recommend having your first welcome flow email once someone subscribes through Alia to be sent immediately and include the unique Alia discount code.

Here’s how you can do that:

Alia In Klaviyo Welcome Flow - Watch Video


💡Key Tip: If you want to have the unique discount code appear in an email flow, make sure the trigger for that flow is Alia Reward Claimed - it can’t be just when someone is added to the Alia List (the event needs to pull through)

Here is the code to paste into the email (copy exactly as shown and paste as text where you’d want the code to appear in the email):

{{ event.shopify_code|default:'' }}

💡 Key Tip: Make sure you are not putting the event code in a static table or element where every shopper sees the same thing, otherwise it will not pull through correctly

If embedding the unique code doesn’t make sense for your brand because of how your Welcome Flow is set up, you can also just send a generic code that you would need to create, such as WELCOME10, that allows shoppers to still use a non-expired code.

In this case, you could send an email along the lines of:

“Sorry you missed the opportunity to get 10% off through Alia, but don’t worry! Here’s 10% off still for your first purchase. Use WELCOME10 at checkout to claim your discount.”

You could also send that email and generic code after you know the Alia discount would have expired.

In short, there are a lot of ways you could set up your emails and Welcome Flow to either include the Alia generated code or a generic discount code for shoppers that didn’t make an Alia-driven purchase:

  • Send unique Alia code right away before it expires
  • Send unique Alia code at any point, if there is no expiration time
  • Send generic code after the Alia code expires
  • Send generic code regardless of expiration or not
  • Or some combination of any of these!

4 (a). Example Setup from Bibado:

Bibado is an award-winning baby products brand that currently uses Alia.

They have a more robust setup when it comes to how they connected Alia to their Welcome Flows, so it is a great example to show how everything could work and the different nuances to consider.

They created three welcome flows - one for each discount that a shopper could redeem through Alia:


For each flow, the trigger is Alia Reward Claimed and with a filter of the text of the discount being "£15 off", since it would only be for those shoppers in that flow:


This trigger was chosen since they are using the unique discount code event variable within their email flows (which is required if you want to):


5. Leveraging Zero Party Data in Campaigns and Ads:

The Zero Party data collected is not just for emails. Use this goldmine of information to inform your broader marketing strategies, including paid advertising. By understanding your customers' direct preferences and interests, you can create more targeted and effective ad campaigns that speak directly to their desires.

We’d recommend using the segments you set up in the earlier to run highly targeted email campaigns. For example, you could create a personalized email campaign targeting customers who have shown interest in a particular product category based on the data collected via Alia.

This could include tailored product recommendations, exclusive discounts, or even engaging content relevant to their expressed interests. By leveraging the rich data provided by Alia, you can ensure your email communication is highly personalized, relevant, and engaging.

Remember, personalization is key to improving open rates, click-through rates, and ultimately, conversion rates.

With Alia and Klaviyo, you have all the tools you need to create highly personalized, effective email campaigns that resonate with your audience.


By integrating Alia with Klaviyo, you unlock a powerful synergy that can significantly boost your conversion rates. Personalization is the key to successfully converting the most customers.

💡 Get assistance setting up your emails to leverage Alia or get a free audit on your Klaviyo by our Partner RevenueLabz. Click here to schedule a call with RevenueLabz.

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