Customer Education Helps MASC Skincare Boost Conversions +21% on Shopify with Alia

"Alia has been pivotal. It allows us to create an engaging shopping experience, converting 42% of visitors who complete a lesson."
MASC Skincare
Beauty & Skincare
Written by
Cory Gill
Published on
December 13, 2023
Increase Store-Wide Conversion Rate (MoM)
Average Engaged Conversion Rate
Opt-In Rate After Click
Alia has been pivotal. It allows us to create an engaging shopping experience, converting nearly 37% of visitors who complete an Alia lesson.

Jamie Beuthin, Co-Founder of MASC

About The Brand

Established in 2007, MASC has been a leader in men's skincare and grooming, renowned for its curated selection and exceptional customer service.

Co-founders Jamie Beuthin and Patrick Levesque have gained recognition for their expertise in the industry, showcased through their media features and engaging YouTube channel.


Educating men on the wide array of skincare products available and replicating the personable in-store experience

The brand's broad array of products online made it daunting for new visitors to navigate and engage effectively. Especially when many of the shoppers might not be familiar or knowledgeable about what product makes the most sense for them

Furthermore, MASC wanted to transition their in-store success and ambiance to their online platform. Bringing the same personable expertise available when visiting them in Vancouver to their Shopify store.

Incorporating the essence of their in-store experience and highlighting their achievements was crucial to augmenting the online brand value.


Alia creates a personable experience that educates and informs new shoppers

Partnering with Alia, MASC sought to educate new shoppers on their wide array of products and the benefits that could be achieved from using them. They also wanted to bridge the gap between its physical store and online presence.

Utilizing Alia's interactive lessons, MASC showcased their in-store culture, co-founders' insights on specific products via "MASC minute" videos, and highlighted best-selling products available to shoppers.

Alia's personalized approach guided visitors through the product array, emphasizing solutions through the "Problem Solvers" section, ultimately offering discounts post-lesson completion to encourage purchases.


+21% increase in conversion rate driven by a 42% average engaged conversion rate with Alia

MASC's use of Alia to educate and engage new shoppers delivered impressive results:

  • +21% increase in conversion rate
  • 42% average engaged conversion rate
  • 30% opt-in rate after click

Alia's integration not only boosted conversions but also engaged visitors effectively, evident in the substantial completion of Alia lessons and email captures, setting the stage for future targeted marketing campaigns.

Alia's partnership with MASC has significantly impacted customer engagement and conversion rates, fostering a more informed and connected customer base. With plans for continued collaboration and leveraging Alia's evolving features, MASC remains committed to enhancing the online shopping experience, solidifying its position in the skincare and grooming industry.

Ready to get started?
Meet with our co-founder, Shaan Arora, for a custom demo or start your 14-day free trial right away: