Better Than Belts' BFCM with Alia Collects Zero-Party Data & Increases Sales 125% YoY

“Incorporating polling into my BFCM campaign through Alia helped create a more community-powered day."
Better Than Belts
Clothing & Accessories
Written by
Cory Gill
Published on
December 14, 2023
Average Engaged Conversion Rate
Increase in BFCM Sales YoY
Pre-Purchase Survey Data Points Collected
Incorporating polling into my BFCM campaign through Alia helped create a more community-powered day where customers were rewarded for their work.

Tyler Farley, Founder of Better Than Belts

About The Brand

Better Than Belts is a retailer of high-quality, American-made suspenders that are designed to be worn by anyone, at any time. Since launching on Kickstarter in 2019, the company has achieved over $100,000 in sales and brought their stylish suspenders to thousands of happy customers.

In order to convert more new site visitors and enhance their pre-purchase customer experience, Better Than Belts relies on Alia.

Learn how Better Than Belts used Alia to run their BFCM promotion and collect massive amounts of pre-purchase data on Shopify


Shortfalls in the traditional BFCM promotion

For their 2023 BFCM promotion, Better Than Belts wanted to reimagine the traditional method which involves giving any potential shopper a large discount upfront.

In past years, Better Than Belts had taken this approach and was met with some success, but they felt there was more they could be doing to enhance this experience and capitalize on the significant volume of traffic and purchases during this time.

Most importantly, they wanted shoppers to engage in some sort of experience prior to their purchase that resulted in:

  1. Shoppers feeling they had earned their discount
  2. Better Than Belts receiving zero-party data
BFCM is tough every year as brands struggle to differentiate themselves through offering deals earlier and earlier. Everyone’s inbox and social feeds become filled with noise all November and it is tough to break through.

Tyler Farley, Founder of Better Than Belts


Alia to engage site visitors and reward them for pre-purchase data

Better Than Belts turned their traditional Alia setup, which involved a series of educational content lessons with a reward for learning and answering questions, into exclusively a pre-purchase survey collection tool for BFCM this year.

Shoppers had to answer five survey questions and provide their email address in order to redeem their 40% discount code.

Better Than Belts then promoted this through their email list with an embedded Alia image to encourage shoppers to engage with the app on the website and receive their reward. Take a look:


43% average conversion rate and 125% YoY increase in total sales

Once visitors engaged with Alia, they converted more than 43% of the time throughout the BFCM weekend.

Better Than Belts saw a 125% year-over-year increase in total sales and 200% increase in total orders compared to their last BFCM promotion. They were also able to collect more than 100 pre-purchase survey responses through Alia.

Follow Up

Future Segmentation and Personalization using Alia data

Not only did running this BFCM campaign through Alia result in a significant success compared to their previous campaigns, but the Better Than Belts team now has considerable zero-party data to segment their shoppers further.

Segmenting these shoppers allows for far more targeted and effective engagement strategies that are crucial to build lasting customer relationships. 

One example of this granular segmentation could be new Better Than Belts customers that:

  • Wear suspenders frequently
  • Shop primarily from retailers' websites
  • Care deeply about supporting small businesses 
  • Are interested in bright patterns for their suspenders. 

All of this data is made available through Alia’s dashboard with abilities to segment this information automatically in Klaviyo.

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