NF Sports’ Conversion Rate Increases by +95% (YoY) and Email Sign-Ups Rise with Alia

"In just 3 short weeks we saw a 48% increase in conversions and our email sign-ups went through the roof."
NF Sports
Health & Wellness
Written by
Cory Gill
Published on
December 14, 2023
Increase Store-Wide Conversion Rate (YoY)
Average Engaged Conversion Rate
Opt-In Rate After Click
Absolutely love this app…We almost immediately saw a positive impact in our business. In just 3 short weeks we saw a 48% increase in conversions and our email sign-ups went through the roof. It's a great way for customers to interact with our brand and it creates a more personalized experience.

Joaquin Cruz, Founder of NF Sports

About The Brand

Since 2013, NF Sports (NFS) has brought customers quality sports nutrition supplements. NFS is well-known for its exceptionally clean, efficacious products that work and are safe.

With so much misinformation and deceit in the supplement industry, NFS is at the forefront of customer transparency and ensuring only the highest quality, real ingredients across their products.

NFS was created to help improve how people look, feel, and perform.


Educating customers, gathering shopper data, and collecting emails

NFS chose to partner with Alia for three main reasons:

  1. Wanted to convey their meticulous focus on clean and healthy products to new visitors
  2. Gather more insights into shoppers' behavior and collect pre-purchase data
  3. Increase email collections

Within the supplement industry, NFS stands out because of its relentless focus on clean products. Conveying this part of their brand and the value behind their products and brand is exceptionally important, but not an easy task to do.


Rewarding shopper education and using survey questions within the Alia learning flow

Alia makes it easy for site visitors to become far more aware of this, as well as the breadth of products they have available.

Take a look at a piece of content shown off to the shoppers on NFS through Alia:

Beyond increasing their conversions, NFS wanted to gain far more insights into the shoppers who visit their Shopify store. Collecting zero-party data can be extremely difficult and costly.

Luckily, Alia allowed NFS to collect shopper insights through survey questions. Take a look at the questions they gained insight too and the more than 300 data points collected:

Finally, NFS takes advantage of its email marketing to acquire new customers and retain existing ones. Through Alia, NFS can increase their email collections, as users are required to enter their email in order to redeem the reward. These emails and customer information are directly subscribed to their mailing lists.

NFS can also segment Alia users based on their responses to survey questions. If they wanted to send an email campaign only to Alia users who have heard about them through Facebook and are looking to build muscle, Alia can do that!


Attributable to +95% increase in conversions YoY

Alia helped NFS increase their store-wide conversion rate by +95% YoY three months after installation and +48% compared to three months preceding using Alia. This was driven by a 33% conversion rate after someone engaged with Alia.

Regarding the other reasons NFS wanted to use Alia, they collected more than 300 unique customer data points through survey questions and a significant number of emails, thanks to a 19% opt-in rate on Alia.

Here are the Alia performance stats on NFS between June 11th and August 10th:

  • +48% increase in conversion MoM
  • +95% increase in conversion YoY
  • 33% average engaged conversion rate on Alia
  • 19% opt-in rate after click
  • +300 unique data points & Alia lessons completed

NFS has decided to begin using Alia on their high-traffic blogs and convert more site visitors from these pages. Alia is now embedded directly into some of their blog content, allowing them to educate and quiz customers on what they just read.

Ready to get started?
Meet with our co-founder, Shaan Arora, for a custom demo or start your 14-day free trial right away: